I have a Color LaserJet Pro M254nw printer, that is sitting on my desk not printing. When I last needed to print, letters to go with Christmas cards, it seemed fine. Since then, it has not printed anything other than the self produced test pages. It is connected to my router, which has a staus page, and shows my two computers and another "client" called "NPIDD583D" which comes and goes when the printer is switched on/off, so I assume that is the printer, and that it is communicating, at least, with the router. When I try to print a letter from Open Office, nothing happens. Before Christmas, it worked fine, running off letters to go with Christmas cards. Since then, it has printed nothing. Talking to HP, they decided the printer was fine, that the problem was with the router. So a brand new router was ordered, and is now installed. The printer still is not printing. What is up with the thing?