Epson L1800 Weird Issue

Aug 26, 2020
I will start by saying I'm fairly new at printing certainly do not know much about anything, but I bought this printer L1800 after looking at reviews ALOT.
All well until today, when I went to print a photo o magnetic paper, which I had before on this very printer and all was well.
So I printed out 1, and went to print another, which had alot of green in it, basically a photo taken on a freshly moved lawn. It came out weird as in very jaded colours and obvious colour issues with the a green hue to the whole picture. Thing is, all photos pretty much come out like this now. and I have tried various settings and papers. I though maybe I left it unussed for too long and it dried out, but then again 1st photo I printed out was just fine.
So I am attaching one test photo I printed out, something I found online.
Any ideas or pointers on where to look and what to fix would be gretly apreciated

Jun 11, 2022
Hello guys, new to this forum, i was actually searching for different types of paper and if our printer(L1800) can take at least a 300GSM photo paper, but anyways, to answer both of your problems, all you have to do is a head cleaning, once you sit the printer for too long say a week or so, then you'll have to do a cleaning...i think this is the best fix so far...i also had that green hue tint when i printed on a family photo and i just cleaned it, and it takes at least for me, 4-5 times of head cleaning before you can actually print a good one. I hope this helped. Let me know if and when you were able to find a better solution aside from the Head cleaning i mentioned.

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