I've got this lovely old Canon photoprinter and was chuffed to be able to run it from a Windows XP emulator in Virtualbox.
Bought a cheap set of inks, made some good pictures. Occasional use only. Suddenly I can't persuade any ink to come out of the colour nozzles. Prints blanks, all nozzle tests etc print using ink only from the big black cartridge, no colour at all. Cleaned, deep cleaned, removed examined and manually cleaned the print head which looks normal. Printer sings its little songs and the printhead dances about like normal, but no colour ink will print.
I can get a replacement print head from China for about £20 but not sure how likely this would be to solve the problem. Any advice would be most welcome.
Bought a cheap set of inks, made some good pictures. Occasional use only. Suddenly I can't persuade any ink to come out of the colour nozzles. Prints blanks, all nozzle tests etc print using ink only from the big black cartridge, no colour at all. Cleaned, deep cleaned, removed examined and manually cleaned the print head which looks normal. Printer sings its little songs and the printhead dances about like normal, but no colour ink will print.
I can get a replacement print head from China for about £20 but not sure how likely this would be to solve the problem. Any advice would be most welcome.