Impossible Quest - Canon S750 drivers and/or software

Apr 16, 2017
I'm so glad I found this forum. If what I need can't be found here - it's nowhere. :)

I have a home theater PC running Win 7-32 bit with an S750 attached via USB. It's using the old 1.62 driver and it prints just fine. Until two weeks ago, I also had an Acer laptop that used the S750 via the network, and worked flawlessly as well.

The laptop motherboard died, though the hard drive was okay, and contents transferred to my new laptop running Win 7-64 bit.

I've tried all day to 'add a printer' to this laptop, or to print from it selecting the S750 from the htpc - which my laptop sees just fine. But every time I get a 'can't find .inf file' or can't find driver on the htpc' error messages. I tried installing the old driver on the new laptop, but that isn't working either, though that may be because the S750 is up on a shelf attached to the htpc. :)

Why don't I just get a new printer? I live on a small fixed income, and several years ago worked as a Canon sales rep in a box store - and currently have a lifetime supply of ink! The printer works just fine for my needs. I just need to find a way to use it from the new laptop. Any and all help will be very, VERY appreciated!


Apr 16, 2017
Please install Windows 7 64 bit driver for your S750 printer.

This doesn't appear to be a printer _driver_ but rather an add-on module. When you click on it:
"This software is a module that expands the functionality of the printer driver for Canon Inkjet printers. Your printer must be installed via Microsoft Update before you download and use this module."

Now I'm confused. The printer IS installed on my htpc, as well as the add-on module for it, and it prints just fine. I never had the printer installed on my old, now defunct laptop - I just clicked on the network/home group version on the htpc to print something from the laptop. No problem.

I do NOT have the printer installed on my new laptop. Don't have the driver for it - but also don't understand why I can't choose the Canon from the htpc on the network/home group to print from it. The error message says it can't find the driver on the _HTPC_ - not on this new laptop.

Should I try and install this add-on module to my new laptop anyway, without having the driver (or printer) installed to it?
Dec 7, 2016
This is what I understand:
You have htpc connected wirelessly to router
Your htpc has the Canon Driver installed
Your printer is USB connected to htpc
Your old Acer was also connected to router wirelessly
Your old Acer had the Canon Driver installed as well (this makes the difference)
Your new laptop must have the Canon Driver
Unfortunately, I am unable to locate Canon Windows 7 64 bit driver for new laptop
I overlooked the "Add-On" previously describing Canon download
Think your only option is to replace the printer
Apr 16, 2017
First, thank you for all the time and effort you've spent trying to help me. I truly appreciate it. There have been some interesting developments today.

1. You wrote: you have the htpc connected wirelessly to router.
No, it's directly connected to the router, and the S750 is plugged into a USB port. On the htcp (32-bit), for some strange reason the S750 is listed as Canon S750 (copy 1). The new HP laptop (64-bit) is, of course, connected to the network via WiFi. I believe it's copy 1 because the original htpc hard drive failed a few years ago, and installed a new SSD drive and ... brought things over? Can't remember.

2. I turned off htpc this morning. Unplugged the printer and plugged it into the laptop. Windows immediately found the driver, installed it (as just plain Canon S750), made it default printer -- and it works perfectly when plugged in there. For good measure I downloaded and added the aomwin110ea23us add-on module you found on the Canon page.

3. The fpdrivers page does not, in fact, contain the driver. It too contains the add-on module. The file name there is aomwin110ea23us - same size. If you hunt for the 32-bit driver it shows the exact same file. I believe they may have simply copied the add-on from Canon's page, *thinking* (as you originally did) that it's the driver file.

So. Plugged into the htpc, the printer works. Plugged into the laptop, it works. Where it does not work is trying to use it -- as I did effortlessly on my former laptop -- while it remains plugged into the htpc. HP Elite support was on with me for several hours (doing other stuff as well, because I added an SSD drive to it), but no matter how many times we tried to 'add a device' - and each time the laptop correctly 'saw' and identified S750 copy 1 on the htpc, we always got the same error message: Cannot find the .inf file on the NETWORK.

We tried browsing to all the S750 .inf files we could find, on the laptop (brought over from the old laptop hard drive, which I salvaged) or on the htpc. Absolutely no joy.

Part of me is wondering about that Copy 1 thing, which I never thought about before. What would happen if I deleted it from the htpc - and then simply plugged it in. I'm guessing Windows would simply use the generic drivers as it did this morning on the laptop? I'm just afraid of doing that and then not be able to use it at all.

Would like to hear your thoughts on this. Oh, and can't use the groovypost idea because I refuse to turn on Auto Update. One of the two reasons I won't upgrade to WIN 10, the key for which came with this laptop.

Again, thanks for your help!!
Dec 7, 2016
I can only guess the S-750 has been installed twice on HTPC

HTPC with S750-1:
Click Start - > Devices & Printers ->
Do u see only one or two icons for the S-750 printer (S-750 & S-750-1)
One is marked with Green check mark (denotes default) probably the S-750-1
Dont delete or remove any at this point
Right click the S-750 icon
Select "make default"
Green check mark now shows on S-750 and not S750-1
Try printing

If prints ok, Right click the S-750-1 and select "remove" or just leave it alone (doesnt hurt anything)

Does laptop now print through HTPC & S-750
If answer is still no and you have the courage, make these changes on HTPC
Click Start -> Devices & Printers
Right click both the S-750 and S-750-1 and select remove (one at a time)
Re-install printer driver on HTPC (Have Windows re-install) or (use old CD with Printer driver)

Did you have Windows "Home Group" established? Are Home Group settings correct?

May i ask your Time Zone or Country?

Florida, USA
88 Deg F today
Dec 7, 2016
Still thinking you may have had a Windows Home Group established.
That perhaps you forgot to set it up again, with the new laptop.
Just a thought. Will be gone for while.

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