Is no chip from safe?

Jul 3, 2024
I bought a license from them to use their no chip firmware. when I run the software to install the firmware, it gives a Norton Heur.AdvML.C virus error. When I contacted them, they said to disable Norton. seems sketchy to me.
Feb 3, 2024
It's a false positive. It's performing tasks that are similar to what viruses can do. It's just how the process has to happen.
Jul 3, 2024
I watched it download and install a new start-up software. After some research, I discovered all their information is a front and they're actually Ukrainian hackers.
Jul 3, 2024
so I shut off the Wi-Fi, turned off the virus checker, input the activation key, and then turned on the Wi-Fi only long enough for it to activate. As soon as I turned Norton back on it had virus alerts. seems to have worked, hopefully, they didn't download my edge password keychain.
Feb 3, 2024
The risks involved with what you're doing could end the same because it took a "hacker" to create this type of procedure. You're essentially forcing a different firmware onto your printer and hoping for the best. Which could result in bricking or making the printer useless if the files are bad. The "hackers" create an executable that sends the new firmware to the printer. None of the files are digitally signed by the printer manufacturer. That could also be triggering Norton.

Once you mentioned Norton, it makes a little more sense now. They're on the forefront like McAfee was. Here you can watch the creator of McAfee try and help you remove his own antivirus software because it caused more problems than fixed:

I'm glad you pushed through and were able to get it working though. Use Malwarebytes and Windows defender in the future for scans and Malware/AV detection.

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