XP-2100 has no connection for scanning in Linux

Aug 30, 2023
I've got problems with scanning with my XP-2100 in Linux quite recently.

Any scanner software complains that it cannot connect to the scanner, while printing just works fine.

It looks like this:

But I cannot see any reasonable error message. Any idea would be great!

So far I have checked:

- the driver version (should be fresh)
- the right IP address (checked against the connected devices list of my router)
- syslog. All I can see is this: TCP: request_sock_TCP: Possible SYN flooding on port 37763. Sending cookies. Check SNMP counters.

What else can I check?

Here is the same question in a Linux related forum for clarity.
Feb 9, 2022
Make sure that the scanner is properly connected to your computer. The scanner should be connected to your computer via USB cable.
Check the scanner driver. Make sure that you have the latest scanner driver installed for your printer. You can download the driver from the Epson website.
Try scanning using a different application. Some applications may have better compatibility with your scanner than others. Try scanning using a different application, such as GIMP or XnViewMP.
Restart your computer. Sometimes, a simple restart can fix the problem.

Aug 30, 2023
Make sure that the scanner is properly connected to your computer. The scanner should be connected to your computer via USB cable.
Check the scanner driver. Make sure that you have the latest scanner driver installed for your printer. You can download the driver from the Epson website.
Try scanning using a different application. Some applications may have better compatibility with your scanner than others. Try scanning using a different application, such as GIMP or XnViewMP.
Restart your computer. Sometimes, a simple restart can fix the problem.

Thanks for your response.

I've tried all that, also different scanning problems.

The WiFi-Report says "Failed (Error: TS-07)"

Connection Failed
Device found no WiFi Access Point/Router with WPS [my translation]

Which is impossible, because printing via WiFi works fine.

Any idea for this error code?

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