Printing issue

Jul 18, 2012
Samsung Xpress m2026.
Was printing ok then got error message
"not enough memory please lower resolution or scale down the image size and try again" (A4 paper)
Error code 11-1111

I reduced the file size from 3.5mb to 821 kb and still got same error.

I have printed hundreds of pages with no problem and suddenly this kicked in, I rebooted PC and also the printer to no avail.

Any ideas?
Feb 3, 2024
You reduced the file size but not the dimensions like it's asking that you do. The image dimensions are too large for the printer to process. Lower the image size by 50% and try again.
Jul 18, 2012
I will try that but can I mention that all my documents are A4 size and never been a problem.

I will try and will report back on here though.
Jul 18, 2012
OK I tried printing another document and it printed ok. it was smaller dimensions and file size so that was hopefully the issue.
I still come back to the original post though as I have printed that document before with no issues.
However as it is printing ok now I am a happy bunny.

Thanks to UpAndPrinting for addressing my issue.

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